Friday, January 20, 2017

Six Ways to Save Water When Dry Camping

Each winter the Southwestern deserts get packed with winter snowbird RVers dry camping for the first time. Many will try hard to save water in remote areas, but most will be surprised to see just how quickly their precious resource disappears. There are many ways to save water when dry camping and if you want to avoid running out of water when living off your holding tanks, these water conservation tips will help keep your fresh water tank full longer.

1. Invest in a Water-Saving RV Shower Nozzle

The best RV shower in my experience is the Oxygenics Body Spa. The nozzle is the most ideal, single dry camping investment we’ve ever made. It helps save water when dry camping because of its unique design. It literally boosts the size of water droplets flowing through the device. As a result, you get a wider spray pattern that helps you lather and rinse faster. It also has a “SmartPause feature, enabling you turn turn the flow of water off while soaping up. I’ve had mine for over two years and it’s solid as ever.

save water when dry camping
Water conservation is a trade off when dry camping.

2. Recycle RV Gray Water

Many RVers will tell you they save water when dry camping by recycling gray water. They save nightly dish washing water in a container and re-use for toilet flushing. I tried it a few times and found this method can be smelly and gross. My recommendation is don’t handle that bowl of bacteria¸. rv gray water recycling can be done instead with the Extend Your Stay Tank Saver Kit.
The kit lets you divert filtered gray water from the holding tank into your toilet. Afterward it goes into your black tank and you never touch it. The system is ideal for RVers with gray and black water tanks that have the same holding capacities (otherwise smaller black water tanks will fill up prematurely). Ultimately, you save fresh water because you’ll only consume it while cooking and showering.

3. Stock up on Paper Products

Eco-minded RVers find that RV dry camping is a trade off. Water can be used to rinse reusable dishes – or for more important things like cooking. Unfortunately, when you try to save water when dry camping one of the best ways to do that is to eat off paper plates and pre-wash cooking implements with paper towels. Also, you can burn them in a campfire and avoid sending it to the landfill.